Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 050 || Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, 2009
Dir. Paul Weitz

"Vampires don't need cellphones!"

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (from this point on known as Vampire's Assistant) is an odd film to peg down. It's a coming-of-age tale with vampires aimed at the Harry Potter demographic, all while seemingly hoping to reach an older, and wider audience. It doesn't quite succeed in those lofty ambitions, and though I favored it to the Harry Potter films (the only exception being Prisoner of Azkaban), it's a little shaky and on the whole a jumbled mess. However, it's an entirely engaging and watchable mess, that makes it very forgivable.

Vampire's Assistant tells the tale of two friends who happen across the Cirque du Freak, a travelling carnival of self-proclaimed freaks, including a man with two stomachs, a werewolf type of creature, and the staple bearded lady. But surprisingly traveling with them is Crepsley (John C. Reilly) an ancient vampire, who believes in keeping his victims alive instead of savagely feasting upon them...this is in direct opposition of a rival clan of vampires, the "vamponese" which sounds like an oriental off-chute of vampires, but is really just a fat guy (ironically named Mr. Tiny) and Ray Stevenson in homeless garb.

The story is pretty rudimentary. No surprises or real curveballs thrown, it hits all the necessary and obvious points and does so at such a fast speed that it feels like a lot of the film was trimmed down. The film would have better fitted with more story and character bits because it all feels a little thin and hollow.

That said, the visuals, varied characters, and some really great performances help to make this light and harmless film, at the very least fun and worth watching. It's not a great film, and it might even be a stretch to call it a good film...but I enjoyed it through out, and look forward to, and am keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel that can improve on all of the shortcomings. That shouldn't be too hard to do.

And this is easily more welcomed than Twilight.

3 out of 5

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