Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 043 || Tokyo Gore Police

Tokyo Zankoku Keisatsu (Tokyo Gore Police), 2008
Dir. Yoshihiro Nishimura

Tokyo Gore Police doesn't mislead with it's title. If you know the title, you know exactly what to expect. It's a Japanese grindhouse flick, that delivers bucket fulls of blood and gore (the fountains of blood put Kill Bill Vol. 1 to shame)...and it features police, naturally. It's an odd, quirky, and confusing film that is very reminiscent of David Cronenberg's work from the 1980's. Tokyo Gore Police could easily be the foreign cousin of Naked Lunch or Videodrome.

There's a style that permeates throughout this film that makes it fun, engaging, and dare I say, charming. The shots and cinematography make the best out of the limited and small budget, and some of the effects are pretty fantastic. Sure, some are really, really bad, (mostly any of the CG bits, and a sequence involving a hand-gun, that's a gun that shoots hands, obviously), but for the most part the effects work and deliver in spades. Horror aficionados or fans of make-up effects with have a field day here, as the creature effects can be very, very convincing and shocking at times. I dare anyone who watches this film to forget the bizarre and haunting setpiece in the middle of this film, involving mutant prostitutes, specifically the human chair. It's creepy and subversive, and if Tokyo Gore Police's aim is to shock and awe, it succeeds on all fronts.

The story is a hogwash, and at times is downright laughable...but you kind of realize that going into it. Who wants to see a film called Tokyo Gore Police that takes itself super-seriously? I know I sure don't. That all said, there is something deeper here than most other films of this nature, as it seems to legitimately try to make a standpoint on violence (whether it's self-violence or violent video games). That standpoint, however, isn't quite as clear as it could be, and as it stands it feels more like an afterthought then anything substantial.

Whether or not the story or acting is up to snuff, and it is serviceable at best, doesn't really matter. Tokyo Gore Police aims to disturb the viewer, while entertaining them at the same time, and I can easily say that I was disturbed and entertained throughout the entire film. For anyone who saw the title, and said to themselves "That sounds stupid...but could be interesting", then I highly recommend the film. Tokyo Gore Police has it's fair share of flaws, but it is definitely worth watching, and when they promised a sequel after the credits, I was ready for round two. Definitely recommend for those who aren't squeamish.

3 out of 5

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