Sunday, August 15, 2010

Top 50 Films of All Time

So thanks to a list created by a friend (over here) whose tastes and judgments I completely trust, I decided to give this Top 50 list a try. It was harder than I thought once I got past the 25 mark. I always have a good idea what my top 5 movies are at any given time, but beyond that it gets hazy. Like the aforementioned friend, I tried to only incorporate movies that moved me personally. Movies that moved the industry forward in some way or another. Just important films. Though there are a few on here that could be argued against on there merits in the latter area, all of these have a special connection or place with me. Some newer, some older, but all resonate with me on such a deep level.

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. The Incredibles
3. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
4. Garden State
5. Kill Bill Vol. 2
6. Shaun of the Dead
7. American Beauty
8. Kill Bill Vol. 1
9. The Fountain
10. Love Actually
11. 500 Days of Summer
12. The Dark Knight
13. Synechdoche, New York
14. Battle Royale
15. Fight Club
16. Fantastic Mr. Fox
17. Pulp Fiction
18. Stranger Than Fiction
19. Inception
20. I Heart Huckabees
21. Amelie
22. Knocked Up
23. The Brothers Bloom
24. Rushmore
25. The Departed
26. Inglourious Basterds
27. Spider-Man 2
28. Road to Perdition
29. Children of Men
30. Pan's Labyrinth
31. Serenity
32. The Matrix
33. V For Vendetta
34. Oldboy
35. When Harry Met Sally
36. Punch Drunk Love
37. Memento
38. Chasing Amy
39. Snatch
40. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
41. Leon The Professional
42. The Prestige
43. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
44. Casino Royale
45. Closer
46. Stardust
47. Being John Malkovich
48. Magnolia
49. Lost in Translation
50. Army of Darkness 

So do you agree, disagree? Any egregious oversights, anything I left out that deserves to be up here (and yes, I know I left off the Lord of the Rings films, it was intentional).